pink corner piece The Drones


All Drones start off with a certain amount of cash in their wallet for use as incidental expenses such as tips, payment for taxis, placing of bets and the like. They are assumed to have accounts at the club, Selfridges, Harrods, tailors etc so need not pay out cash for drinks and meals at the club, purchases at major London stores and clothing from reputable West End establishments. Their living expenses are normally covered by their private income and/or allowances from family.

The amount of money available for incidental expenses depends on current Readies level -

Readies Cash in Wallet at the start of a game

10 60 pounds though possibly nil if sufficiently royal or important not to use or need cash
9 55 pounds
8 50 pounds
7 45 pounds
6 40 pounds
5 35 pounds
4 30 pounds
3 25 pounds
2 20 pounds
1 15 pounds
0 10 pounds
-1 7 pounds
-2 5 pounds
-3 4 pounds
-4 3 pounds
-5 2 pounds 10 shillings
-6 2 pounds
-7 1 pound 10 shillings
-8 1 pound
-9 2 shillings and 6 pence
-10 nil

Cash spent during a game should be deducted from the starting amount by the player. Before another adventure it can be assumed that a Drone has obtained money from his bank to return his cash in hand to the starting level unless special circumstances indicate otherwise.

Major purchases (car, diamonds etc) will be paid for out of bank account so affect Readies level rather than cash in the wallet.

See also The Readies table to determine the typical level of affluence displayed by persons at each level and the Purchases table for what things cost.

The Drones front page | Character generation | Combat | Sample scenarios

Copyright Ian Crowther, Sheila Thomas, Victoria Uren 1995-1996