pink corner piece The Drones

Gentleman's gentleman

The employment of a gentleman's gentleman can make a big difference to the life of a Drone quite aside from reducing a player's effective Readies level by one as long as he is employed.

A good gentleman's gentleman also costs a character point. He will act as valet and butler, do his best to lay out clean, pressed clothes every morning and before dinner, and remind his employer about appointments, trains to catch etc. When taking his advice, a player can assume an Appearance of at least +1 (absolute) when setting out from home.

A superior gentleman's gentleman costs three character points. He will do his best to make sure that his employer is well turned out and keeps important appointments. When taking his advice, a player can assume an Appearance of at least +3 (absolute) when setting out from home.

Of course, a player may ignore the advice and reminders, so losing any advantage on that occasion.


Left to his own devices, Spiffy has a tendency to poor taste in clothing. He buys a loud check jacket which he thinks is fashionable. His decidedly superior gentleman's gentleman, Harris, looks at it with disapproval and when he fails to persuade his employer to give the jacket away, he puts it at the back of the wardrobe. When Harris is away for a few days holiday, Spiffy remembers the jacket, finds it, and wears it to tea with his Aunt Amelia at the Ritz. In any encounter, Spiffy's Appearance is at -1 rather than the rather natty +4 he is usually enjoys.

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Copyright Ian Crowther, Sheila Thomas, Victoria Uren 1995-1996