Scott Gray's Shadowrun Dice Pool Calculator

This program is © 2000 by Scott David Gray.

This program is designed to calculate probabilities when using a Shadowrun open-ended dice pool.

Dice pools are used in role playing games such as Shadowrun. A dice pool is used by rolling a number of dice and, rather than adding them together, comparing the rolls to a target number and counting how many dice meet that target. In Shadowrun, dice are open-ended; if a die rolls a six it is added to another six sided die (which, in turn, is open ended, etc.). If all of the dice roll one, the result is a critical failure.

Here are the figures (cumulative) for 14 open-ended dice rolled against a target number of 5:

The probability of 14 successes or more is 2.09075158128769e-05
The probability of 13 successes or more is 0.000606317958573429
The probability of 12 successes or more is 0.00821665371446061
The probability of 11 successes or more is 0.0690993397615581
The probability of 10 successes or more is 0.403954113020594
The probability of 9 successes or more is 1.74337320605674
The probability of 8 successes or more is 5.76163048516517
The probability of 7 successes or more is 14.9462185516987
The probability of 6 successes or more is 31.0192476681325
The probability of 5 successes or more is 52.4499531567108
The probability of 4 successes or more is 73.8806586452891
The probability of 3 successes or more is 89.4666262733461
The probability of 2 successes or more is 97.2596100873746
The probability of 1 success or more is 99.6574512609218
The probability of no successes is 0.34254873907823
The probability of a critical failure is 1.27609349443829e-09

and here is the form itself:

Number of dice to be thrown:
Target number:

Not cumulative
Both cumulative and not cumulative

This program was designed (and the math calculated) by Scott David Gray, from the Sudbury Valley School.

If you find this program to be useful, you will want to check out my PERL Card Calculator program, and PERL General Dice Pool Calculator program.

Click here for a copy of this program.

If you find this program useful, please treat me to to a $3 cup of coffee!!!